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Most Horrible Crisis Faced by Swami Vivekananda & How Ma Kali Appeared in Living Form Before Him

Was Swami Vivekananda enjoying life and playing cricket in the year 1884? Was he bowling at the Eden Garden Stadium in Calcutta? Did he take seven wickets? A photo and several articles circulating on the internet claim so. Are they right?


Was 1884 one of the most horrible years in Swami Vivekananda’s life – when he faced a most terrible crisis, which was ultimately resolved only when Ma Kali appeared before him in a living form?

What is the truth? Discover in this video.

Video Timeline

0.20 : Photo of Swami Vivekananda playing cricket – Real or Fake?

2:01 : When George Clooney realized “His Death is just an Entertainment”

4:32 : Why Hindu culture cannot be preserved by building temples

7:15 : Most horrific crisis in Swami Vivekananda’s life – why his family was starving

8:35 : The Terrible dilemma faced by Swami Vivekananda

9:55 : Work Swami Vivekananda did to free India

11:09: How Ma Kali appeared before Swami Vivekananda in a living form

12:12: The boon Sri Ramakrishna gave Swami Vivekananda to resolve his life’s crisis

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