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Reincarnation | MIND Accompanies the Soul After Death (VIDEO)

“Every soul is a circle whose circumference is nowhere, but whose centre is located in the body, and death means the change of this centre from body to body.”
– Swami Vivekananda

We are all familiar with the saying – “Empty handed we are born into this world, and empty handed we shall return.” The process of life and death is such that we cannot take even a grain of sand out of this world, when we depart.

However, while we cannot take our cherished possessions with us, nevertheless there is 1 highly critical, yet deeply overlooked “thing”, which we do take with us when we die!

What is this extraordinary “thing” that journeys with our soul after death? In the video below we take a look at the incredible answer that has been offered by the great Rishis of Vedanta. Their profound revelation also sheds light on:

1. The process of death i.e. what happens when we die; and

2. Solves a big puzzle of reincarnation, namely – how is it possible for people to remember their past lives, when their soul has left the brain behind at each prior death.

Recommended Books & Article

  1. What Becomes of Soul After Death by Swami Sivananda
  2. Who Am I? by Pandit Shriram Sharma
  3. Record of Yoga (scroll to Vol 10-11) by Sri Aurobindo
  4. Reincarnation by Swami Vivekananda

For more FREE BOOKS by Pandit Shriram Sharma and Swami Sivananda, please scroll down to the recommended reading box below.

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