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Explained In This Video:
- 00:00 How can the Gods of Hinduism be Maya?
- 01:35 Is God (Brahman) nothingness? Is God a void?
- 04:03 How Sarada Ma saw Ma Kali Pratyaksha (living form)!
- 05:03 Sarada Ma could talk to Ma Kali & hear her answers
- 06:30 In Nirvikalpa Samadhi all differentiation of name & form vanishes
- 07:10 What is Maya? How ONE God appears as many
- 08:30 In Nirvikalpa Samadhi the Gods & Goddesses MERGE into one Supreme God
- 11:00 Was Sarada Ma an ordinary housewife?
- 14:12 Sarada Ma incarnated on earth for the upliftment of women. “Mother has been born to revive Shakti” – Swami Vivekananda
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