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When Maharshi Ramana Cleared a Person’s Doubts in a Language He Did Not Speak

The following story about Sri Ramana Maharshi’s spiritual powers has been related by Major A.W. Chadwick, in the book Face to Face With Sri Ramana Maharshi (pg 112). Major A.W. Chadwick was with the British army, but later he resigned from his post and came to live at the Maharshi’s Ashram for good.

Major A.W. Chadwick: Many people identified Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi with Dakshinamurthi, the silent Guru, who gave the instruction to four Kumaras in silence; because no word can express that which is beyond all words and no mind can grasp that which is beyond mind. How eloquent silence could be for the seeker can be illustrated by the following episode, which I witnessed personally.

Sri Ramana Maharshi's Power Over Language

A gentleman from Kashmir came to the Ashram with his assistant who could not speak a word of any other language except his native Kashmiri. One night when the Hall was almost dark except for the pale glimmer of a single hurricane lantern, the assistant came into the Hall and stood before Bhagavan in a respectful manner jabbering something rapidly in his language.

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Bhagavan said nothing but lay quietly gazing at him. After a while, the assistant saluted and left the Hall. Next morning his master came to Bhagavan and complained: Bhagavan, you never told me you could speak Kashmiri, was it fair?

When Bhagavan asked how he thought so, he said: Last night my assistant came to you and asked several questions in his language. He tells me that you answered him in the same language and cleared all his doubts.

“But I never opened my mouth”, replied Bhagavan.

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