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If Sarada Ma Was Lakshmi, Why Was She So Poor? Understanding the Lakshmi (Money) Siddhi of God-realized Sages

Ma Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth in Hinduism. She is that power of the Supreme Consciousness that bestows material prosperity.

Since God-realized sages have climbed to the summit of consciousness and become one with the Supreme, they are said to possess Lakshmi Siddhi or complete power over money.

Is this claim true?

  • – Can God-realized sages alter the laws of nature? Aren’t the laws of nature fixed?
  • – Can they transform a copper plate into gold?
  • – Can they manifest a palace made of gold and precious stones?
  • – Can they locate stolen money and restore prosperity to a disciple who had been robbed?
  • – If these sages indeed possess such powers, then why don’t they make their disciples super-rich? Why do they themselves live in extreme simplicity and frugality?

The answers are in this new episode of the Yogic Powers Podcast. Subscribe on the TagMango App using your email or phone number. Open for world wide subscriptions.

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