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Yogic Powers – When Sri Ramana Maharshi Made the Hungry Feel Full

A beautiful story which acquaints us with the yogic powers of Sri Ramana Maharshi. These yogic powers arose on account of his individual will having merged fully and become ONE with the Divine’s Will at the moment of Samadhi.

Sri Ramana Maharshi

On one occasion a large number of people came to the Ashram unexpectedly and they had to be provided lunch. One of the cooks went to Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi and said, “We are worried because there isn’t enough food.”

Bhagavan said, “Don’t worry. There will be enough.”

My uncle was present in the dining hall along with others. Bhagavan looked at almost every one before he started eating. My uncle said that even before eating most of the people felt full. So each one ate very little and what had been prepared was more than enough.

The above excerpt has been taken from the book: Face to Face with Sri Ramana Maharshi, page 68

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